Thursday, May 24, 2012

My little garden

I have a tiny garden at my new apartment. I planted some flowers and vegetable plants.

Mint. I made some tea with this. This herb is very strong and grow well. I'll dry them when it grows more.

Aloe can be used when you have minor burns and cuts. It's still small but I planted red perilla (called Shiso in Japanese ) next to aloe.

Mini tomato. 

has some fruits already! I can't wait!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Pizza made easy with home bakery!

Home bakery can make pizza dough. My  Panasonic Home Bakery came with a recipe book, but the measuring is confusing. Do you know how much is 1 & 7/16 cup? I found somebody posted a question on yahoo answer, I bet she has the same recipe. I found more easy recipe for a pizza dough.

one large pizza dough recipe

Bread Flour : 280g
Olive Oil : 1 table spoon
Salt : 1 tea spoon
Sugar : 1 table Spoon
Dry Yeast : 1 tea spoon
Water : 150 cc

Set machine and dough will be done in 45 minutes. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Raisin Bread

I baked a raisin bread today. The picture above is from a few month ago. I have Panasonic SD-YD250, somehow, this machine bakes too much if I waited till it finishes. I take bread out about 20 minutes before it ends so that crust is softer and raisin doesn't get burned.

I use Japanese recipe site, cookpad they have great recipes!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Bread Machine is awesome!

I got a bread machine two months ago. I'm baking bread about every other day, and it tastes great! I used to get bread from Japanese bakery every now and then because their bread is really good, but because the flour price has been shooting up in recent years, the price of the loaf of bread raised to $3.60 from $2.60 in just 5 years! I did some calculation : If I get two loaf of bread every week, in a year it comes up $187.00 I got Panasonic SD-YD250 Automatic Bread Maker which was about $135.00, I might spend more than $187 with ingredients in the first year, but from the second year, it will cost less than buying at the bakery, and it is easier than I thought to bake a bread.

My recipe for the tasty bread is like this:
Bread Flour : 250 g
Non fat dry milk : 20g
Brown sugar : 20g
Sea salt : 3g
Butter : 15g
Water : 170cc
Dry yeast : 1 tea spoon

Put all the ingredients except for dry yeast in the bucket. Put dry yeast in the yeast dispenser and set the machine to Bake, size: M, crust: light and press start.  In 4 hours on regular, or 2 hours on fast setting,  you can have a warm fresh loaf of bread!

You can set a timer and wake up with good smell of bread, but it is noisy so don't sleep in a same room as this machine. 

My only regret is not spending $20 more to get a machine with a raisin dispenser. 

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I bought a dream

Long time ago while "Heian period" (between AD794 to AD1192) in Japan, a woman worked at the palace bought a lucky dream from her friend.
"I had such a nice dream last night."
"What was it like?"
"I saw a beautiful big full moon, and it mirrored on a lake."
A woman heard that story offered exchange that dream to a beautiful comb.

Later, the woman bought that moon dream got married to a very noble and rich guy and married happily ever after.

When I was about 13, I bought my brother's dream.
"Hey, I have a dream to sell you."
"What is it?"
I don't exactly remember his dream, that was an exciting dream. There were some famous politician in cast, and sounds fun.
I don't exactly remember what I gave for it, may be a knickknack.
I don't know if it was a lucky dream or not, so far, I don't know if I'm lucky or not.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Stay away from sweet drinks!

When I came to America, I was amazed by the size of soda in MacDonald. They are like Japanese L size for S size in the U.S.
Of course, I was amazed by people size in here too. How can they fit into economy seat on the airplane? Can they travel? What if I sit right next to them?
I think soda is a medicine to make people sick and large. I agree with taxing them.
I've seen on TV, a lady complaining about her economy situation and how prices of food went up, and on the kitchen counter behind her, there were some soda cans. How can you buy soda when you struggle to feed your family?
I don't agree with diet soda either, I've seen somebody drinking diet soda, but never lost a pound.