Showing posts with label life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life. Show all posts

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Around Forty, looks like Twenties.

Around Forty, in short, Ara Four means a person is 36 to 44.

“OMG I’ll be around forty next year!”
Women under 35 is very tough position, either you’re married or not married. 

“Obasan” means middle aged women in Japanese. Also pronounce the same as aunt. Most women can’t accept the fact you will be called this way. 

20 years ago, above 30 is considered Obasan. Now though, because of so many both famous and unknown ordinary women keep themselves look young changes images of over thirty still young and beautiful. 

You can look pretty good in thirties no problem but how about in 40’s? Around 40 is the challenging time for women.

Especially in Japan, age matters. Women around thirty is getting nervous about whether if she will get married by early thirty or at least build a certain relationship to be married and have family together, well, sounds like kind of similar everywhere though.

Because of long recession, its harder for young people to have good paying job in Japan. again, sounds like world’s problem in the U.S or Europe. People get paid so little to even barely make a living for himself, so hard to have traditional housewife and one kid or two kids. 

Not only women facing tough time, Mens too.

Around the world, for the people around 40, life is tough, that’s how I feel. You imagined your future bright when you were young. Living in a dream big house, jobs are great, have a wonderful spouse and kids, maybe a dog or two. 

I see some people especially men facing the “mid life crisis” 
Look at your reality, the rent and house is too expensive, you got paid so little to even get by, you fight your spouse bi weekly over money. Your kids isn’t so bright just like you were.. It shouldn’t be this way. I could be better. I deserve better job or women (with bigger boobs / implant one is better). 

I know at least two people who is facing marriage crisis for this reason. 

You are not young forever, and people Around 40’s are facing parent’s end of the life. You need to be responsible and think about your own retirement.

That’s around 40, its the wake up time for the brighter life Around 50, 60, 70, 80, and 90. or even 100.

Great Skin Care Cream.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

End of the year Cleaning up for good Feng Shui

In Japan, we do "Oosouji" means "massive cleaning up". Maybe similar to spring clean in here.

Dirty spot has a bad "Qi" and people live in the dirty house won't have a good luck.

So from 1st of December, I try to dust off shelves, ceiling fan blades, wipe off dirty spots inside of the shelf doors.. Devote 15 minutes a day to clean up one spot, and hopefully by the end of the year, my house will look clean, and we'll have good luck in next year...

So far, I've done most of the dusting off done. There were a lot of dust, I know I need to do this at least once every month or so, but I wouldn't do it.

I was surprised when I saw a cleaning lady coming to my host family's house cleaning kitchen. I thought they must be really rich since in Japan, we don't see many people hiring maid to clean their house unless they are really rich. Later on, I learned in here middle income people casually hire maid to clean their house. I guess it's getting common in Japan too, especially when they clean inside of  air conditioner.

We once ordered maid service once. It cost nearly $300!! My husband signed up, and I tried to stop it but that was when my daughter was around 1 year old and I was exhausted..

Well, I have done a lot already for cleaning up, I need to clean door, windows, and bathroom tomorrow!

I could have this using that $300. I hope the clean house will bring better money luck for next year.