Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Spark Joy or not? Tidying Up With Marie Kondo

I read a buzz about Marie Kondo's Netflix show so I watched the first episode yesterday. Marie Kondo is very famous in Japan and she's called "Konmari" in short. I've read her book once or twice and I tried her method, (don't ask me if it worked or not) but after I've watched it, and I actually wrote about her book 3 years ago and I totally skipped the most important thing she's talking about.

"Does it spark joy or not for you?"

I have watched the first episode with a young couple with two little adorable children in a beautiful house. Their house doesn't look so bad but got a lot of junk.

Before starting tidying up the house, Marie Kondo sits down on the floor in the house and greet to the house, like meditating.

Then, take out all the clothes you have and put into one pile

Next, take the clothes one by one in your hand and see if that particular thing spark joy or not. If not, you say "thank you" and say goodbye.

She separates into four categories; Clothes, Paper, Miscellaneous, Sentimental (maybe wrong, but something like that) and does (let the family do) the same method.

After completing the cleaning, everybody's life gets better with extra space, and most of all, they can live life with something sparks joy for you.

By the way, 1/21/19 was a full moon, but not the usual full moon, it was


within the spiritual people, we wish to the moon twice a month. Once at the new moon,  then at the full moon. You make a wish at the new moon and at the full moon, you let go your old thought that you don't need like negative thoughts, and see how you're doing towards your wish.

so until the next new moon which is Feb 4th, 2019, it's a good time to let go that doesn't spark joy for you.

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