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Showing posts with label computer. Show all posts

Sunday, July 7, 2019

greeting in Japanese! ... With meanings..

Greetings in Japanese、Aisatsu, in Japanese.

おはよう こんにちは こんばんは   ありがとう さようなら すみません

ohayou おはよう is "good morning".  we usually don't use Kanji for this word but if you use it, it says お早う the Kanji in the middle means "early" or "fast" It makes sense since it's early in the morning.

Ko n ni chi ha こんにちは is "hello" but we say this for the afternoon. 今日は the first two Kanji characters says Today, は pronounces "wa" even though it spells "ha". In Japanese, this は pronounces "wa" works as "is" or "are" in English. postpositional particle I looked upon a dictionary..

so, "Konnichiwa" really means "today is"

Same as  "Konbanwa" night greetingsこんばんは 今晩は means "tonight is"

Arigatou ありがとう is Thank you,  in Kanji, it 有難う the first kanji means "there" second one is "difficult" so Arigatou means "difficult to be there" so this expresses appreciations for things are there.

My yoga teacher says the opposite of Arigatou is taking it for granted "Atarimae" あたりまえ

it's deep, isn't it?

Next one is, Sayounara (when you spell in English there's no "u" in the middle, but there are "u" to spell in Japanese) さようなら if you write in Kanji,  "左様なら"  it may be translated to "Ok then,"

Sumimasen, すみません 済みません means excuse me but,
This world comes from "I'm not done" or "I'm not satisfied with myself for what I have done." wow, heavy! nobody put that feeling to this word anymore but originally, it means like that.

I hope you memorized these words today.

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Monday, July 1, 2019

Let's write words in Japanese

Hello everybody, こんにちは。

I've made how to type and write Hiragana on the computer before, based on Hiragana chart.

Lets talk about Katakana for a little bit today.

all the sounds are the same as hiragana.

Katakana look boxy and has edgy shapes compares to Hiragana.

By the way, This chart is sold at Please visit the the link at the bottom for more info.

Katakana is used to express foreign words like,

McDonald = マクドナルド 
Ski = スキー 
America = アメリカ
cake = ケーキ
party = パーティー

all sounds are flat in Japanese.

uses the long line to express long sounds or extend sounds

you may not recognize the words when it pronounced in Japanese but you'll surprised to know a lot of English words are used in Japanese.

how to write / type Katakana is basically the same as how to write Hiragana.

Let's practice writing / typing words.

First, change the setting to Japanese typing mode,

to type Japanese, you need to know how it pronounced the word in Japanese.

type in  = McDonald = makudonarudo = マクドナルド
 hamburger = hanba-ga- = ハンバーガー
hotdog = hottodoggu = ホットドッグ

small つ is used when you skip the sound. to write small つ、type the consonant twice. you can also make the words smaller if you type in x before the word

only works for vowels and small tsu っ 

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