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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Stay away from sweet drinks!

When I came to America, I was amazed by the size of soda in MacDonald. They are like Japanese L size for S size in the U.S.
Of course, I was amazed by people size in here too. How can they fit into economy seat on the airplane? Can they travel? What if I sit right next to them?
I think soda is a medicine to make people sick and large. I agree with taxing them.
I've seen on TV, a lady complaining about her economy situation and how prices of food went up, and on the kitchen counter behind her, there were some soda cans. How can you buy soda when you struggle to feed your family?
I don't agree with diet soda either, I've seen somebody drinking diet soda, but never lost a pound.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Healthy Eating Style : Macrobiotics

My friend is doing Macrobiotics. In macrobiotic diet, they eat grains as a staple food supplemented with other foodstuffs such as vegetables and beans, and avoiding the use of highly processed or refined foods. (borrowed from Wiki)
Macrobiotics is originated from Japanese cuisine. I am Japanese, so macrobiotics food is familiar to me. Eating Genmai, (brown rice) Miso soup, Nimono, (simmered food) & pickles doesn't bother me at all, but because of my husband (american) I can't give up some meat, eggs, coffee, milk, cheese, all no-no for the Macrobiotics diet.
I try to eat at least Genmai (brown rice) and I have been eating Genmai for nearly a year, my asthma is much improved.
I recommend everybody to at least know the word Macrobiotics and their philosophy and have a healthy life.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Pressure Cooker is very useful!

I have Stainless Steel Pressure Cooker. I cook brown rice, white rice, boil whole potatoes and so on. Pressure cooker is very useful and saves you time and energy.
Make sure to get a stainless pressure cooker, not aluminum one.

How to cook brown rice with pressure cooker.

Serving : about 4

Brown Rice : 1.5 cups
Water : 2 cups

1) Wash brown rice in a water and drain. Repeat this 2 ~ 3 times.
2) Put drained brown rice in a pressure cooker and put 2 cups of water.
3) Leave brown rice in a water for about an hour
4) Put on lid on a pressure cooker and put on a high heat until the pressure is reached.
5) Lower the heat and cook for 30 minutes.
6) wait to open the lid until the pressure is gone.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Prepare for the holiday season (budget)

My husband takes lunch at least 3 days/week since middle of last month. I should have done it throughout the year, but I slacked off for a while, now I make him sandwich & pack some snacks. That would save us at least $5.- per a day. $15 X 3 X 52 weeks will be saves $720.00 for a year! If you take your lunch everyday, you would save $1300.-!!

Monday, October 19, 2009

We Need Health Care Reform

I can't understand why United States medical system is so messed up. After I got married and tried to get coverage for me, I was amazed how difficult it was. I have a severe asthma, of course I was denied. We set up our own business and finally I got it but the insurance I got was so expensive and covers very little. I was allowed to visit doctor just 3 times a year, and each visit cost me co-pay, $30.- plus they billed me about $150.00 extra later. In year 2000. For premium, we paid $200.- per month, which was very big money for us, I wonder what do they really used our money for. I know. the money goes all to their salary.
I went to asthma doctor, he didn't give me prescription right away, he wanted me to come back in one month to do the breathing test, which I know their intention, my asthma was so bad, they wanted to give me good care. I explained to them I only have 2 more visit for this year, but I think my English was so poor, they didn't understand me. I ended up going there 2 more time just to get the prescription I really needed. That experience made me so paranoid about health care system in this country, I was fear to go to the doctor even for pap smear every woman in late 20's are all supposed to do.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Easy Japanese Cooking Book : Everyday Harum

Harumi Kurihara is like Martha Stewart in Japan. She just published easy Japanese food recipe book. She introduces simple recipes using only common vegetables and meat available at any U.S. supermarket. It's not that difficult to make yummy Japanese dishes, why don't you get this book and cook for your whole family!