Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Yummy! Improved Bread Machine Recipe

I bake bread with Panasonic Bread Machine that I bought 3 years ago. I struggle to find a good recipe and I was using this recipe from the blog I wrote while ago but I wasn't totally satisfied with that and now, I think I am settled with this one.

Bread Flour : about 200g
Gluten Flour : about one Table Spoon or 10g
Whole Grain flour : 40g

The total flour should be 250g

Sugar : 2 table spoons
Salt : 1 tea spoon
Butter : about 10g
Milk : 170 cc

Yeast : little less than 1 tea spoon

I use brown sugar, sea salt and almond milk for healthier option. I sometimes use coconut oil instead of butter.

I like this recipe more because you don't have to use scale when you put sugar and salt. Even butter doesn't have to be exact. I used to use powder milk and water but since I don't bake bread overnight because it's too noisy in this little apartment. It takes 4 hours in a usual setting so you need to plan but short setting makes it done in 2 hours though it makes the bread a little less fluffy. The gluten is the key to make bread little more fluffier.

I love the smell of the baking bread.

I have this one! Works good.